People-powered research: but what actually is it?

People-powered research: but what actually is it?

As John mentioned in his last blog post, our communities are at the heart of ActEarly. If we’re going to achieve sustainable changes in health and our ‘systems’ that promote health then we need to start in harnessing the views and creativity of our citizens. We like to think of the ActEarly project as ‘people-powered’. […]

What do we mean when we say co-production?

ActEarly has made a great start and is already breaking new ground – for example, putting co-production at the centre of everything it does. Such an approach is much needed but it can throw up challenges and I talk through some of these in this blog. I’m sure there are many of you who have […]

The drugs don’t work (and the research isn’t helping)

This is the wicked problem. While medical research has made such a spectacular impact on communicable disease, we are struggling when it comes to non-communicable disease. We face rising rates of diabetes, heart disease, obesity and mental ill-health, with ever-closer connections between them. We have been very good at describing the causes of these diseases, […]