Publications and Reports

Browse and download a range of research publications and reports associated with the ActEarly programme.

Featured Publication


| Publication

Rapid review: Ten ways to improve support for minoritised informal adult carers at local government policy level to redress inequalit

Barnes, A, Phillips F, Pickett K, et al
| Publication

Study reveals that children who grow up near green spaces have healthier lungs

co-authored by our ActEarly UKPRP Consortium
| Publication

Short communication: Five ways UK European Capitals and cities of culture have connected cultural activities with nature and their impacts on health and wellbeing, wider determinants of health and inequality

Barnes A, Brain K, Phillips F
| Publication

Exploring the feasibility of evaluating a community alliance welfare advice programme co-located in primary care in Bradford: an uncontrolled before and after study

Reece S, Moss RH, Tanveer Z, Hammad M, Pickett K, Dickerson J
| Report

People-Friendly Streets for Bradford District

School Streets


| Report

Addressing Education and Health Inequity: Perspectives from the North of England

A report prepared for the Child of the North All-Party Parliamentary Group
| Publication

Making ends meet – relating a self-reported indicator of financial hardship to health status

Homer K, Taylor, J, Miller, A, et al
| Publication

What role do young people believe Universal Basic Income can play in supporting their mental health?

Johnson EA. Webster H, Morrison J, et al
| Publication

Designing a generic, adaptive protocol resource for the measurement of health impact in cash transfer pilot and feasibility studies and trials in high-income countries

Johnson EA, Johnson, MT, Kypridemos C. et al
| Publication

Universal Basic Income is affordable and feasible: evidence from UK economic microsimulation modelling

Reed, HR., Johnson, MT., Lansley, S., Aidan Johnson, E., Stark, G., & Pickett, KE.
| Report

Child Poverty and the Cost of Living Crisis

prepared for the APPG Child of the North


| Publication

Are free school meals failing families? Exploring the relationship between child food insecurity, child mental health and free school meal status during COVID-19: national cross-sectional surveys

Yang TC, Power M, Moss RH, Lockyer B, Burton W, Doherty B, et al
| Report

Findings of the UK Prevention Consortium ActEarly ‘Research on Research’ Wave Two Qualitative Study

Iqbal H, Lockyer B with help from the ActEarly Evaluation theme
| Publication

Exploring the Interactions between Housing and Neighbourhood Environments for Enhanced Child Wellbeing: The Lived Experience of Parents Living in Areas of High Child Poverty in England, UK

Ucci M, Ortegon-Sanchez A, Mead NE, Godward C, Rahman A, Islam S, et al
| Publication

Changes in children’s wellbeing in Bradford during COVID-19: The Born in Bradford COVID-19 longitudinal research study [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

Pybus K, Kelly B, Hou B, Ajebon M, McIvor C, Bingham D, et al.
| Publication

Are children with obesity at school entry more likely to have a diagnosis of a musculoskeletal condition? Findings from a systematic review

Firman N, Wilk M, Harper G, Dezateux C
| Publication

Development of Public Health Core Outcome Sets for Systems-Wide Promotion of Early Life Health and Wellbeing

Mansukoski L, Albert A, Vafai Y, Cartwright C, Rahman A, Sheringham J, et al


| Publication

Research priority setting in obesity: a systematic review

Iqbal, H., McEachan, R.R.C., West, J. et al
| Publication

Developing and validating a school-based screening tool of Fundamental Movement Skills (FUNMOVES) using Rasch analysis

Eddy LH, Preston N, Mon-Williams M, Bingham DD, Atkinson JMC, Ellingham-Khan M, et al.
| Publication

Fundamental Movement Skills and Their Assessment in Primary Schools from the Perspective of Teachers

Eddy L, Hill LJB, Mon-Williams M, Preston N, Daly-Smith A, Medd G, et al
| Report

The Food Foundation: A Yorkshire-based review of the implementation and impact of the Holiday Activities and Food programme

The Food Foundation
| Publication

Measuring the Built Environment in Studies of Child Health—A Meta-Narrative Review of Associations

Ortegon-Sanchez A, McEachan RRC, Albert A, Cartwright C, Christie N, Dhanani A, et al
| Report

Report: The impact of the COVID-19 emergency food hub programme on food insecurity in Tower Hamlets

Vafai Y, Cameron C, Mansukoski L, Lockyer B


| Report

Interim Report, 2020: The impact of COVID-19 on the provision of food aid in Bradford

Graven C, Power M, Jones S , Possingham S and Bryant M.
| Publication

Cross-sectional analysis of National Child Measurement Programme data using ethnic-specific BMI adjustments

Firman N, Boomla K, Hudda MT, Robson J, Whincup P, Dezateux C
| Publication

COVID-19 in-patient hospital mortality by ethnicity – Wellcome Open Research Letter

Santorelli G, Sheldon T, West J, Cartwright C, Wright J


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