ActEarly Methods Club: A Whole Systems Data Linkage Accelerator | 16th November 2022 | 11:30-13:00

ActEarly Methods Club: A Whole Systems Data Linkage Accelerator | 16th November 2022 | 11:30-13:00

A Whole Systems Approach to Addressing Wider Determinants of Health: The Case of Connected Bradford

Abstract: The Connected Bradford Whole System Data Linkage Accelerator was set up to link health, education, social care, environmental and other local government data to drive learning health systems, prevention and population health management. Data spanning a period of over 40 years have been linked for more than 600,000 individuals using the pseudonymised NHS number and other data variables. This prospective data collection captures near real time activity. Using recently developed interactive dashboards, we can demonstrate how researchers, stakeholders, and policy makers can use Connected Bradford to shape early interventions and influence policy to prevent adverse life outcomes across the district. The application of this interactive tool in developing and answering research questions will be discussed using 2 case studies:

1. Using the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) as a screener for children’s long-term educational outcomes: Evidence from a population linked database (by Dr Megan Wood)

The benefits of early identification and intervention are well-established but often time- and resource-expensive. The aim of this study was twofold: i) replicate previous findings showing the relationship between the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) and later educational outcomes at the end of Key Stage One and Special Education Needs (SEN) status; ii) illustrate the potential of using connected data for improving children’s life chances.

2. Can air filtration devices reduce illness transmission in classrooms? (by Sam Relins)

It is becoming increasingly clear that classroom air quality has an impact on the health of our school children. Studies have shown that poorly ventilated classroom spaces contribute to an increase in transmission of airborne illnesses. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions as children returned to school in September 2021 and over the Delta and Omicron waves of the virus.

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