ActEarly Methods Club: Research ethics and getting to “Yes” | 20th March 2024 | 13:00 – 14:00

Dr Vishal Sharma, Improvement Academy, Bradford Institute for Health Research Abstract: A core part of any research project is to apply for NHS ethics approval. This begins with the IRAS form and ends with attending an ethics committee. Time and time again, researchers are making very similar mistakes, which can unnecessarily hinder their application and […]
ActEarly Methods Club: Routine data is not dirty research data | 22nd February 2024 | 13:00 – 14:00

Prof Tom Lawton, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust & Bradford Institute for Health Research Abstract: In our roles as clinicians, health care professionals, and researchers, we are constantly striving to improve the care we provide to patients. A key part of this is collecting and analysing data to answer a specific question. However, we […]
ActEarly Methods Club: Fingertips – the OHID public health profiles tool | 22nd November 2023 | 11:00 – 12:00pm

An Introduction to Fingertips – the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities public health profiles tool by Dr Kath Roberts, University of York Abstract: ‘Fingertips’ is the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities public health data collection and analysis tool. Data are organised into themed ‘profiles’ and additional analytical tools to facilitate exploration and analyses […]
ActEarly Methods Club: The COMPLEX-IT Platform and Smart Methods | 4th October 2023 | 11:00 – 12:00pm

Abstract: Smart platforms constitute an entirely new field of methods that are still in the emergent stage, requiring critical engagement and also the real potential to develop a new methodological toolkit for social and health inquiry. Smart platforms are comprised of bespoke tools that facilitate user-driven learning by building expertise into the platform to create […]
Actearly Methods Club: Designing behavioural interventions for megastudies| 6th September 2023 | 11:00 – 12:00pm

Abstract: The megastudy is a promising concept for testing and evaluating behavioural interventions. As a scaled up RCT, it allows an apples-to-apples comparison of a battery of interventions applied to the same sample. But the devil is in the details: the megastudy is useful insofar as the interventions are designed and selected appropriately. This talk […]
ActEarly Methods Club: A GIS approach to measuring environmental exposure | 21st June 2023 | 11:00 – 12:00pm

Abstract: Environmental exposures (EE) are increasingly recognised as important determinants of health and well-being. Understanding the influences of EE on health is critical for effective policymaking, but better-quality spatial data is needed. In this seminar, Dr Kimon Krenz will outline the theoretical and technical foundations for the construction of longitudinal individual-level environmental exposure measurements for […]
Telling a story or reporting the facts in qualitative health research? | 19 April 2023 | 11:00 – 12:00pm

Telling a story or reporting the facts? The potential for interpretation vs the dominance of description in applied qualitative health research analyses? Abstract: Interpretative analysis of qualitative data has been likened to a form of creative storytelling. However, analysis of qualitative health research data is often subject to concerns derived from quantitative empiricism such as replicability, […]
ActEarly Methods Club: Introduction to causal graphs for study design & analysis | 15th March 2023 | 2:00 – 3:00pm

A casual introduction to causal graphs for study design and analysis: what are they, how do we build them, and why should we care? Abstract: Graphical causal models, such as directed acyclic graphs or DAGs, are a valuable tool for synthesizing the known and unknown relationships relevant to our research questions. Using these tools can help […]
ActEarly Methods Club: Measuring Social Trust in the Community | 17th January 2023 | 12:00 – 13:15

Measuring Social Trust in the Community Abstract: Stronger Communities has been funded by the Council of Europe to test/develop a mechanism for measuring, and acting upon, levels of Social Trust in neighbourhoods throughout the Bradford District. The work is led by the Social Trust Collaboratory in Canada, but co-designed and delivered here. Bradford is the […]
ActEarly Methods Club: A Whole Systems Data Linkage Accelerator | 16th November 2022 | 11:30-13:00

A Whole Systems Approach to Addressing Wider Determinants of Health: The Case of Connected Bradford Abstract: The Connected Bradford Whole System Data Linkage Accelerator was set up to link health, education, social care, environmental and other local government data to drive learning health systems, prevention and population health management. Data spanning a period of over […]
ActEarly Methods Club: Synthetic Controls: Methods and Applications | 19th October 2022 | 11:00-12.15

Bio: Dr. Javier Gardeazabal is a Professor of Economics at the University of the Basque Country. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from The University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. from the University of the Basque Country. His research is on empirical economics applied to fields such as international finance, economic growth, labor economics, cultural […]
ActEarly Methods Club: Unlocking Connected Data: How Visual Analytics Help? | 14th September 2022 | 11:00-12.15

Bio: Dr Mai Elshehaly is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Bradford. She holds a PhD and MSc. in Computer Science from the Center for Human-Computer Interaction at Virginia Tech. Before her current appointment, she held post-doctoral fellowships at the University of Leeds and University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Her primary […]
ActEarly Methods Club: Should we abolish “statistical significance”? | 8th June 2022 | 14:00

Dr Peter Martin, is a Lecturer in Applied Statistics in the Department of Applied Health Research at University College London. One of the joys of being a statistician is that he gets to collaborate with fellow researchers from many disciplines, including psychology, sociology, medicine, health care, and epidemiology. He has a particular interest in mental […]
ActEarly Methods Club | The softness of hard data | 4th May 2022

ActEarly Methods Club | The softness of hard data with Professor Elizabeth Stokoe | 4th May 2022, 11-12.15pm Professor Elizabeth Stokoe, Loughborough University Elizabeth Stokoe is Professor of Social Interaction at Loughborough University, UK. She conducts conversation analytic research to understand how talk works – from first dates to medical communication and from sales encounters […]
ActEarly Methods Club | Transformations in a complex and uncertain world: Implications for stewardship and understanding progress towards change | 6th April 2022

ActEarly Methods Club | Transformations in a complex and uncertain world with Professor Ioan Fazey (University of York) | 6th April 2022, 11-12.15pm Professor Ioan Fazey, University of York Ioan Fazey is Professor of the Social Dimensions of Environment and Change and Director of Strategy for the Department of Environment and Geography at the University […]
ActEarly Methods Club | Ripple Effects Mapping: a participatory method for evaluating systems interventions | 9th March 2022

Ripple Effects Mapping: a participatory method for evaluating systems interventions, 9th March 2022, 11-12.15pm Dr James Nobles (University of Bristol) & Dr Jennifer Hall (Bradford Institute for Health Research) Dr James Nobles is a Research Fellow at the University of Bristol within the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration. Between April 2019 and April 2021, he led […]