ActEarly Virtual Workshop | 10th November 2021 (via Zoom)

ActEarly Virtual Workshop | 10th November 2021 (via Zoom)

Read our workshop report by clicking here

The objectives for the day are:

  1. Provide an opportunity for colleagues within and across ActEarly and stakeholders to meet face-to-face and identify shared goals
  2. Update the ActEarly community and stakeholders on developments across the themes
  3. Address issues encountered in the different themes and suggest solutions
  4. Create a high-level description of the data tools that can support the ActEarly consortium (including researchers, policymakers, commissioners, and practitioners) to achieve their goals

The timetable is as follows: 

10.30Co-production and citizen science  (10 min presentation and 30 min group work)Rosie McEachan/ All
11.30Healthy Places (10 min presentation and 45 min group work)Nicola Chirstie/ All
13.20Healthy solutions (10 min presentation and 45 min group work on the desired attributes of the data tools that will be produced via ActEarly)Mark Mon Williams/ All
14.20PlenaryTrevor Sheldon/ John Wright

For further information please contact


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